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Breaking the Silence – Don’t Touch, Speak Up, Stand Up


Breaking the Silence – Don’t Touch, Speak Up, Stand Up is a project aimed at raising awareness and combating sexual harassment and violence through public campaigns and media engagement. Its activities include organizing public events, a comprehensive media campaign, and creating a podcast series with testimonies from survivors of sexual harassment and experts offering advice on prevention and fighting this phenomenon.

Financed by:

UNDP | Swedish Embassy 


Raise awareness and combat sexual harassment and violence through public campaigns and media involvement.

Key Point:

Public Events

Organize Street theaters and roundtable discussions to engage the community and stakeholders.

Media Campaign

Launch a comprehensive outdoor and social media campaign, city lights, bus ads, and electronic billboards in strategic locations to maximize message reach.

Podcast series

Podcast series with 10 episodes with testimonies from sexual harassment survivors and experts on how to prevent and fight sexual harassment.