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Tirana says NO to sexual harassment.

March 6, 2024 – On the eve of March 8th, AWA – Albanian Woman in Audiovisual, in partnership with UNDP in Albania and the Embassy of Sweden, presented the campaign “I Speak Up” against sexual harassment.

The campaign focuses on public messages, under the motto “This city does not stay silent but speaks up against sexual harassment”, placed at key points in the city, which include areas like the city center, Elbasan Street, New Tirana, and Kombinat.

Additionally, 70 inscriptions titled “Sexual harassment is a crime and is punishable by imprisonment”, have been placed on the buses of the Kamza line, with telephone numbers indicating where sexual harassment can be reported. Besides the number of the State Police, two numbers for Counseling Lines respectively for women and children have been placed, in order to offer help to individuals experiencing sexual harassment.

The campaign, which will be implemented in the Municipality of Tirana, will last 30 days and will continue with the series of podcasts “I Speak Up” on the official channels of AWA on Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify, with testimonies from survivors of sexual harassment or assault. The podcasts will offer advice from experts on how to react to such situations. The campaign is designed by “Albanian Woman in Audiovisual” within the framework of the United Nations Joint Programme: “Ending Violence against Women” funded by the Government of Sweden and implemented by UNDP in Albania and other UN agencies in Albania.

The campaign will be implemented by Albanian Woman in Audiovisual and UNDP. UNDP Albania Embassy of Sweden in Tirana Municipality of Tirana Association of Urban and Interurban Transport.

UNDP Albania Embassy of Sweden in Tirana Municipality of Tirana Association of Urban and Interurban Transport.
